Wednesday, August 16, 2006

De ce îmi place la SUBWAY... / Why I like SUBWAY...

...şi la Jack In The Box îmi place că servesc breakfast la orice oră dar şi că diminieaţa au tot meniul zilei, inclusiv breakfast-u spre deosebire de McDonald's care serveşte numai breakfast dimineaţa, ce aiurea şi naşpa!

...and I like at Jack In The Box that they serve breakfast at any time and I also like it because they serve everything at any hour, including the breakfast but McDonald's serves only breakfast in the morning and that really really sucks!


madmax said...

Da... bună la gust, atât.

Donna Piranha said...

What language is this?

madmax said...

romanian, my main language :) maybe I'll translate this post

madmax said...

Done, I translated it.

Donna Piranha said...

Thank you. I think you should find better things to eat for breakfast anyway.

madmax said...

like what? they say it's fresh and it really tastes fresh, besides their food is very low on fat. Subway ftw!
