Saturday, December 16, 2006

Stones (people)

I felt really bad when wrote this so don't take it personally.

I'm so sick of everything. I hate people. Most of the people and most of the time. I rarely enjoy being in company of other people. All they care is their person and their interests. Every action they do is because they need something. They don't do anything without a precise target. They don't just do things, their parsimony
doesn't let them do even unimportant things like talking to somebody. It doesn't matter how boring is their life but they keep quiet like a stone. Ignorance. That's it. That's what I'm going to become. I care only about myself. If people try to talk to me I'm gonna be a rock. They can talk to me as long as they wish and I'll just listen and say nothing. If they try to hurt me they'll hurt themselves because am I rock. Life can be so boring. People act so weird. I'm gonna make their life even more boring while I enjoy their boringness. I can be happy without many things others would die. I think too much silence is stupid. Some retarded people think silence is the key of wisdom. Silence makes you look smart in a stupid manner. I'm not trying to be smart by being silent like a stone. I'm just sick of people. Everything that comes out of my mouth will be in my interest, I'm just doing like everybody else does. Silent idiots.


Oana Anca said...

Huh, looks like somebody really disappointed you. True, people care only about themselves; most of them. Only true love cares about the others.
But sometimes, even rocks can break. Sometimes even ugly frogs can become charming princes. All they need is a kiss :).

Anonymous said...

And other people rarely enjoy being in company of you.

My god you are so lame.

Anonymous said...

Booooooooooooring. Boohoohoo life is so unfair. Boohoohoo no one understand me. Boohoohoo I won't talk anymore.

you are a little twit.

madmax said...

why are you reading a twit's blog anyway?

Anonymous said...

Hez a rock don't talk pfffffff.
